Monday, September 22, 2008

PhotoStory 3 project

Reservation Life
PhotoStory Project
Due at the end of the period Thursday 9/25

Now that you have completed your research on Indian reservations, you must put together a visual presentation of your findings. Using PhotoStory 3, you are to add images that correspond to each of the research topics. You must also narrate the slideshow. You must provide a fact or bit of information for each topic and slide. You may also add appropriate background music and effects. When you are done, you are to post your project on your blog.


Images corresponding to research topics. Do a Google image search.

Narrate facts/info for each slide. You choose what is most important.

Add appropriate music/sounds. You can bring in a cd or search wav files for sounds.

Post it to your blog

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Research Project

Today we began a research project. It is due at the end of the period tomorrow.

Reservation Life

The Indian reservation, although it is not a main setting in the novel, is an important aspect in understanding the time period and the characters’ motives and actions throughout. Your task is to research several topics dealing with reservation life. You are to use the links provided on my blog to access the information. For each topic you must provide a brief write-up/explanation. In other words, what is the basic information you should know about each topic.


Systems of government on a reservation

History of reservations

Controversies surrounding reservations

Education on reservations


Social Life/Poverty

What adjustments did Native Americans have to make?

Monday, September 15, 2008

HW due 9/16

Students are to complete the following assignment for HW.

Montana 1948-pgs 31-49 (20pts)

1. On pages 32-33, what is the meaning of David's rhetorical question: "Was the sweat hers or mine?"

2. On page 34, we get a glimpse into David's father's prejudice against Indians. What do you make of David's explanation? Does he defend his father? Try to rationalize his racism?

3. On page 35, David's father calls his brother on the phone. What do you make of his saying, "We've got a sick Indian girl over here, Frank"? What is strange about this?

4. Pages 33 to 38 are devoted to discussion of David's uncle Frank. What sort of man does he appear to be? Does his personal resume make him out to be more than an ordinary man?

5. On the same subject, consider the scene in which David's grandfather calls his "son" to speak to the crowd. How are we to interpret the final moment of this scene, when David's father is seen picking up pieces of trash?

6. What happens in Marie's sick room on pages 40-41? What do you make of the shouted "NO!'s"

7. On page 42, David's father says, "They're not going to make it into the 20th Century until they give up their superstitions and old ways." What sort of thinking does this reveal?

8. On the bottom of 43, David says, "I couldn't figure out why my mother seemed so angry." Why is she angry? What are her allegiances?

9. Why are the bees mentioned on the bottom of page 45? What does this have to do with the shocking information that David has just overheard?

10. How would you summarize the debate that ensues on pages 46 to 47? Particularly, why must David's mother be so explicit in describing the "things" that David's uncle has done?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Journal #3-Betrayal

When, if ever, is it acceptable to betray someone? Consider your friends and family. Would you ever betray their trust over something? Have you ever been betrayed? Explain your feelings on the subject.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

HW-Due 9/12/08

Students are to complete the following assignment for Friday.

Montana 1948 pgs 19-31 (20pts)
1. On pages 19-21, we learn that the Hayden family is something of a dynasty in law enforcement. Later, on page 21, David describes his father as a man "who tried to turn two ways at once." Describe this conflict, including in your answer some thoughts on David's reference, in the same paragraph, to his "grandfather's domain."

2. A patriarch is a father figure, one who heads a family. A patriarchy is a society that is ruled by men. If the world of Mercer County is a patriarchy, what values are its principle values? What is the LAW?

3. On page 22, David lays out a second conflict. What is it?

4. Why is it significant that David and his family live "in the middle of town"? (page 23) What does this positioning suggest?

5. Comment intelligently on David's other life--his country life--at his grandfather's ranch. Is he, like his father, a man pulled two ways?

6. What do you make of the story of the toothless Indian woman on page 25? What does it show about Bentrock, and the general attitude of whites toward Indians? And how does this foreshadow the accusations later made against David's uncle?

7. On the following pages, 25 to 29, David describes Marie Little Soldier and his feelings for her. Comment on two details: the incident, mentioned on 29, in which he accidentally sees her naked and his remark on page 25 that "her body could be ready, at a moment's notice, for sex or work."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Journal #2-Expectations

What are other people’s expectations of you? Do you feel as though you can live up to them? Do you want to? Explain. (20pts)

Due 9/11/08