Thursday, September 11, 2008

HW-Due 9/12/08

Students are to complete the following assignment for Friday.

Montana 1948 pgs 19-31 (20pts)
1. On pages 19-21, we learn that the Hayden family is something of a dynasty in law enforcement. Later, on page 21, David describes his father as a man "who tried to turn two ways at once." Describe this conflict, including in your answer some thoughts on David's reference, in the same paragraph, to his "grandfather's domain."

2. A patriarch is a father figure, one who heads a family. A patriarchy is a society that is ruled by men. If the world of Mercer County is a patriarchy, what values are its principle values? What is the LAW?

3. On page 22, David lays out a second conflict. What is it?

4. Why is it significant that David and his family live "in the middle of town"? (page 23) What does this positioning suggest?

5. Comment intelligently on David's other life--his country life--at his grandfather's ranch. Is he, like his father, a man pulled two ways?

6. What do you make of the story of the toothless Indian woman on page 25? What does it show about Bentrock, and the general attitude of whites toward Indians? And how does this foreshadow the accusations later made against David's uncle?

7. On the following pages, 25 to 29, David describes Marie Little Soldier and his feelings for her. Comment on two details: the incident, mentioned on 29, in which he accidentally sees her naked and his remark on page 25 that "her body could be ready, at a moment's notice, for sex or work."

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