Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Anastasia Syndrome

Students are currently up to page 75 and have completed the following assignments:

The Anastasia Syndrome-pgs 61-75

What used to take place at Trafalgar Square?

What is Lady Margaret’s first target? What is her plan?

Who is Rob? What does Lady Margaret want from him?

What happened at the statue?

Who is Edward Chase? Why does Lady Margaret hate Charles I so much?

What is the significance of the line “will all great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood clean from my hand”? (Do a Google search)

The Anastasia Syndrome-pgs 46-60

Why did Judith expect there was a stream while on her horse?

What happened to Lady Margaret Carew’s husband?

What is the significance of Sir John Carew asking for Vincent?

How does Lady Margaret get the scar on her hand?

When does Stephen want to get married?

The Anastasia Syndrome-pgs 31-45

What is significant about Stephen’s ancestor Simon?

Why does Judith’s scar begin to “blaze” at Edge Barton?

What do the italicized sections represent?

What does Lady Margaret find? How will this affect Judith?
The Anastasia Syndrome-pgs 16-30

What do we learn about Judith’s childhood? Her parents?

What does Dr. Patel’s explanation foreshadow?

What is significant about the Dr. using litencum?

What is significant about the scar?

The Anastasia Syndrome pgs 1-15

What is Judith Chase’s profession?

What title is Stephen Hallet most likely going to receive? What is his relationship to Judith Chase?

What does Stephen think of Dr. Patel?

What is Dr. Patel’s theory? Describe it.

What does Judith fainting foreshadow?

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