Monday, December 8, 2008

The Stranger

Today the students completed the following assignment:

The Stranger-Part II

Chapter 1
1. What has happened to Meursault?

2. Is he taking his circumstances seriously? Give an example.

3. What question does the attorney feel compelled to ask?

4. What explanation does Meursault give regarding his “nature”?

5. How many times did Meursault fire his revolver?

6. The magistrate becomes frustrated with Meursault. What does he retrieve from his filing cabinet?

7. What’s the BIG question the magistrate finally asks Meursault?

8. On p. 70, Meursault says, “I thought about it for a minute and said that more than sorry I felt kind of annoyed.” Does
Meursault have a conscience? Why or why not?

9. In your opinion, does Meursault feel complemented when referred to as Monsieur Antichrist?

The students have also completed the following assignment from last week:

Persuasive Essay-50pts

Writing Task-Moral/Immoral/Amoral
Look at the definitions provided. You are to choose the term that best describes Meursault throughout the first part of the novel. You must support your argument with evidence from the text.

Moral-of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.
Immoral-violating moral principles; not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted or established as consistent with principles of personal and social ethics.
Amoral-not involving questions of right or wrong; without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral.

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