Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Stranger

Students have completed the following for The Stranger:

The Stranger-20pts
Part II-Chapter 4

1. Does Meursault feel like he has anything to say to defend himself?

2. In your opinion, does Meursault believe that his crime was premeditated?

3. On p. 100, Meursault reveals the key to his character/personality. What is this?

4. What penalty does the prosecutor ask of the jury?

5. Does Meursault have faith that his attorney will convince the jury of his innocence?

6. Imagism is used on p. 104. “left me with the impression…. Was making me dizzy.” In your opinion, what is Meursault feelingat this point?

7. Why can’t Meursault return Marie’s smile in the courtroom?

8. What is Meursault’s sentence? In your opinion, is his reaction normal?

The Stranger-20pts
Part II-Chapter 5
1. According to Meursault, why is witnessing an execution so important?

2. What is “the trouble with the guillotine”?

3. What is ironic about this when compared to how Meursault originally got into this predicament?

4. When Meursault’s situation finally “sinks in”, what are the two things he always thinks about?

5. What is Meursault’s pessimistic view on life and living?

6. Is Meursault a religious person? How do you know?

7. Meursault shows no respect for religion or the priest. Give one example of this.

8. What does the priest mean when he says, “your heart is blind.”?

9. In the last few paragraphs, how does Meursault finally relate to Maman?

10. Why does Meursault wish that a large crowd of spectators greet him with cries of hate at his execution?

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